“We will move forward, we will move upward, and yes, we will move onward”
If we were to choose one letter which provided us with the most beautiful positive and optimistic words ever, in our entire time compiling these beautiful articles for you, it would be the letter ‘O’. Do you want to find out why? Then read on these positive words that start with O.
Even while we were curating this article for our dear readers, the optimistic words brought a smile on our face and sent ripples of positivity our way. We felt refreshed and were eager to make you feel the same way! This world list is sure to make your mornings bright and cheery, and leave you with renewed hope.
That is why, with overflowing excitement, we bring you the list of 80 positive words that start with O.
List of Positive Words That Start with O
Oasis | A safe haven amidst chaos |
Obedient | Having the quality of being well-behaved; listening and following instructions or rules |
Objective | A goal or an aim towards which one works |
Obliging | Showing readiness to do favors; being helpful |
Observe | Taking notice |
Obtain | Acquire |
Obtainable | Being within someone’s reach |
Occurrent | Consistently observing or occurring |
Odds-on | Having high chances of success |
Odorous | Having a pungent smell |
Odyssey | A long journey or an experience |
Oecumenial | Universal or general |
Oeuvre | The output or the product of an artist’s entire life’s work |
Offer | An attempt; something offered |
Offering | Something produced for entertainment or sale |
Official | Something formal; someone who hold office |
Offspring | A child |
Olympiad | An international contest |
Omnicompetent | Being competent enough to handle all situations or encounters |
Omnipotent | Having or possessing limitless power |
Omnipresent | Having the ability to be present everywhere simultaneously |
Omniscient | Having or possessing limitless knowledge |
On target | Being accurate |
Oncoming | Approaching or advancing |
One up | Having an advantage or leverage over someone else |
Ongoing | In progress |
Onset | The start of something; beginning |
Onward | Moving or progressing to a more advanced stage |
Oomph | The passion and energy possessed by a person which shows |
Ooze | The act of seeping out slowly or softly |
Opalescent | Iridescent; prismatic; many-hued |
Open | Allowing access or a passage |
Open-handed | Giving without restraint; freely |
Open-hearted | Being kind and merciful |
Open-minded | Unbiased; considering differing perspectives without prejudice |
Operational | Ready to be used |
Operative | Having the quality of being efficient |
Opulent | Affluent and wealthy |
Opportune | Suited for a particular purpose |
Opportunity | A chance or a time to do something |
Optimal | A perfect time |
Optimism | Having or possessing a positive outlook |
Optimistic | Having a positive perspective of looking at things or situations |
Optimum | Best possible or most favourable |
Option | Having a choice |
Opulent | Luxurious or affluent |
Oration | A formal speech or an address |
Orchestrated | Planned or coordinated to produce a desired outcome |
Ordain | Make someone a minister |
Orderly | Arranged or methodically ordered |
Organic | Natural |
Organically | Naturally occurring |
Organizational | Relating or pertaining to a firm |
Organized | An arrangement which is methodical and functional |
Organizer | One who arranges and brings order |
Oriented | Aligned |
Original | Authentic and real |
Originality | Characterized by authenticity |
Originate | Derived; occurring from |
Origination | The process of being derived |
Ornamental | Being used for a decorative purpose |
Ornate | Highly decorated |
Orotund | Sonorous; being full of sound |
Other Worldly | Being out of this world |
Out-of-this-world | Being out of this world |
Outdone | Outshine; surpass; exceed expectations |
Outgoing | Social and friendly |
Outperform | Outshine; exceed expectations |
Outreach | To reach further |
Outshine | Outdoing yourself |
Outstanding | Exceeding expectations |
Ovation | Applause; appreciation from the audience |
Overall | Original |
Overflowing | Flowing over the surface of an area |
Overjoyed | Being glad and happy |
Overriding | Being of the greatest importance |
Oversee | To keep watch over the work of others |
Overseer | One who keeps a watch over the work of others |
Overt | Conducted openly without any concealment |
Overture | A preclude |
Did you feel the way we did – refreshed and relaxed? We sure do hope that these positive words that start with O were able to make your day! And if not, they at least brought a smile on your face!
Be sure to share your stories with us about the impact these lists make on your life; we will be eagerly waiting, and keep checking out our blog for the latest word-list we bring to you!
Sources and References:
i In Oxford English dictionary. Retrieved from http://www.oed.com/view
What’s next? Check other collection of positive words: